Crypto solving Lebanon crisis

PLUS discover Virtual Walmart "aisles" in Virtual Walmart Land

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Crypto solving crisis in Lebanon


Lebanon’s inflation to over 90% made their banks as useless as tits on a bull because they restricted people from using their own money.

So my creative homies are doing 2 things to get access to ‘their’ money:

1. Take over the bank at a gunpoint

This is one of the 5 hold ups happening on the same day.

2. Trading crypto to buy food

This is a 'killer’ use case of crypto. As an alternative to the corrupt, centralized systems that govern many places in the world, crypto is shining brightly to save lives and bring food to the table.

Have you seen virtual ‘Walmart Land’?

Walmart Land

Walmart launched it's own 2 Metaverses called ‘Walmart Land’ and ‘Walmart’s Universe of Play’. You can now roam in ‘virtual aisles’ in a ‘virtual Walmart Land’.

See y'all next week.


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